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Have you ever gotten that small feeling in your chest after doing something that makes you stop and think "This. This is what I was made to do."? Purpose is on my heart today. Maybe someone is scrolling through social media right now and is tired of sitting in class, studying science when she knew all along that she wanted to be a teacher but she think the only way to be successful I to have that big pay check. Or maybe there is someone sitting at work on lunch, so unhappy with his life because keeps ignoring that feeling he gets every time he plays the guitar. Whoever you are, you were meant for more.

When I felt that feeling for the first time, I was in a village in the Dominican Republic, playing with a little girl, making a stick person in the dirt with rocks. I remember making this stick person thinking "this is the happiest I have ever been and I am in a slum village, playing with rocks..." I was so confused...

Don't ignore that feeling. That's the lord, pulling on your heart, trying to tell you that ''. This is what you were made for. You are so much bigger in this world than you think and you have he power to change lives. I know it's hard. It's hard to stop thinking about money and to start thinking about happiness. Trust me when I say this: I grew up wanting to be successful. All I wanted was a fancy abbreviation before my name and a big number in my bank account. I wanted my parents to be proud of me and I thought that the only way this would happen would be if was successful. Boy, was I wrong.

Thank you to my family for loving me regardless of the abbreviation before my name. Thank you for believing in me and being proud of me regardless of how much money I have in my bank account (or how much money I don't have...).

I have learned through the past few years that happiness is contagious. I smile at someone and they smile back. You can grow up searching your whole life for just a little bit more money. Or you could listen to what the Lord is trying to tell you. What makes you get that feeling in your chest? What makes you think "This. This is what I was made to do."? Go out and do that. Go out and do that like crazy! Shout to the world that you found your purpose and that you didn't ignore that feeling. Be an inspiration to others who are still struggling between money and happiness.


"Be the person you wish you had growing up"-BC Serna

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