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Dear, Past Me

Stop letting other people tell you what happiness is.

Happiness is not conforming into what other people want you to be. It’s not fitting in with the cool kids. Happiness isn't an object. Stop worrying about what other people will think of you. When you woke up this morning, were you grumpy because you had to go to school? That’s what I thought. Think about the fact that you woke up. Think about the fact that you can shower in clean water and put on clean clothes in your own house and can have breakfast with your family. Think about the fact that you get to drive your own car to school to receive an education that will brighten your future.


Others aren't so lucky.


Let it go. The fight you’re having with your sister isn't the end of the world. So she spilled on your favorite sweater? Forgive her. Your parents love you no matter what. The problems that you’re having with your friends won’t ruin your life. The friends that love you will never leave you and if people choose to walk away from you, do not dwell of what you could have done to make them stay. The world does not revolve around your high school relationship. Treat yourself with respect and don’t let others take advantage of you. Wear those colorful shoes that you love and wear the prom dress that will make everyone stare at you. Does it make you happy? Then do it.

Study. Do your homework. You’re a smart kid and your future is bright. Hard work pays off. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re stupid. Smile at strangers and laugh with your friends. A simple “hello” can go a long way. Always help those in need and never hesitate to do the right thing. People will come and go. You never know who you are inspiring. Keep your head up. Who cares if you aren't the best at golf or you can’t dunk a basketball. You’re short, and that’s okay. Die your hair to make yourself happy, not to impress other people. Travel more, you'll wish you did.

Your mom DOES know everything so don’t try to fool her. It will come back to bite you in the bum. Empty the dishwasher for her. Don’t take it for granted when she lies with you before bed or stays up with you when you’re sick. Thank her for the notes she leaves in your lunch bag. If something is lost, she knows where it is. Tell her you love her. Don’t be scared to be honest. She loves you regardless.

Listen to your dad when he tells you to try the biggest roller coaster no matter how scared you are… You’ll love it. When he pulls out your wiggly tooth, trust him when he says that it won’t hurt. Of course it does, but trust him anyways. He’s the smartest guy you know. Tell him you love him. You will always be his little girl regardless of the hardships you have endured together. He loves you no matter what.

Your sister won’t always be annoying. One day, you’ll wish you could be exactly like her. She will inspire you to become a better person. She is your best friend and your role model. Play patty-cake with her and tell stories before bed. Laugh until your tummy hurts and never keep a secret from her. Believe it or not, she will always tell you the right thing to do in the hardest situations. She will always be there for you.

Visit your nana as much as you can. One day, you’ll miss having her around. Call your nannie and keep in touch with your papa. Tell your meme and pepe that you love them. Laugh with your grandpa. Don’t ever let anything come between you and your family.

Stay strong. The hard times will pass. Don’t cry over the people who hurt you. Learn the lesson. Be home by curfew. Don’t have “one more” drink. Buy a guitar and don’t quit playing the drums. Sing in the car. Take the chance. Go to Church. Talk to God. Dance until you fall down... then get back up, and dance again. You’re beautiful. Be the first to say that you’re sorry. It doesn't make you weak for admitting your faults. Forgive.

You’re so much more than what you think you are right now.

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